
Sailing round Ibiza and Formentera: which is the ideal boat for you?

At last you have made the decision to hire a boat with us for your holidays in Ibiza and Formentera, but you still have a few doubts about which type of craft will be the most suitable for you to enjoy the Islands to the full?

We explain some of the pros and cons of each type of boat and recommend that you ask various questions to determine which kind will be the best to fulfil your plans.

Do you want to cover a distance in a short space of time?

If you are wanting to travel round the island in one single day, then you will need a motor boat for sure. It takes aproximately four hours cruising and a suitable weather forecast. If you are willing to discover Formentera on a day we also suggest a power yacht. It covers the distance between Ibiza and Formentera in between 30 and 45 minutes and you will be able to anchor in different bays and enjoy the tastiest fresh fish in one of their coastal restaurants. You either hire a yacht with or withput skipper. If it is your first time on the island we always suggest skipper to enjoy the day to the fullest without any worries.

You can follow our recommendations, and breakfast enjoying a stunning sunrise on one of the beaches on the eastern coast, then sail northwards for a spot of snorkelling in Cala Xarraca, continue along the coastline to eat in one of the most prestigious restaurants, delight in the setting sun at any of the strategic points that we have also recommended to you, and dine in another of the restaurants we have suggested, moving into the centre...

You should bear in mind that engines require fuel and therefore this is not the most ecological option, even though marine engines are increasingly more efficient and respectful towards the environment.

With regard to the budget, at Coral Yachting we offer you from the most economical Semi-Rigid Speedboats to Stunning Yachts, with every luxury detail.

Do you want to take it easy?

If you are wanting a more leisurely sail with total autonomy and independence, then the best option would be to hire a sailing yacht or catamaran. Be noticed, this type of yachts are normally rented just per week and from saturday to saturday. 

With a sailing boat you will be able to unwind at sea and totally connect with nature, enjoying the sensation of freedom that being propelled along by the wind brings.

This sailing is silent, peaceful and relaxing, and it is highly likely that dolphins will accompany you on your journey, as they like to play in the bow waves remembering how they learned to swim in their mother's wake.

Key factors when sailing are the weather conditions and the technical preparation of the crew, which should also be sufficient in number for the metre length of the boat.

At all events, ask us any questions you may have and let us advise you so that we can offer you the boat that will best achieve the experience you are looking for, and best suit the number of passengers you will be sharing with and your budget.

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