
Posidonia: el tesoro bajo el mar que disfrutarás al alquilar un barco en Ibiza

The seabed of the Pitiusas harbor this underwater forest, which extends from  , in Formentera, to the beach of   in Ibiza.

Habitat of numerous species, which find here food and protection, to this marine plant endemic to the Mediterranean, which can not be found in any other sea in the world, it is due to the transparency and turquoise color of the waters of Ibiza and Formentera, since It is a plant that oxygenates the sea and filters the sand, as well as protecting the coastline from erosion.

Pollution and moorings alter the habitat of this organism, so it is necessary to be very careful when we drop anchor when we reach a cove with our rental boat.

Diving among Posidonia you can find wonderful Seahorses, banks of Doradas and Escorpinas, among other organisms.

Being a plant similar to terrestrial ones, not only you will be able to distinguish stem and leaves, but it may surprise you its enigmatic and magnificent flowering. Actually, the Posidonia flower   is a set of multiple florets of different sex. The flowers produce even a fruit popularly called Oliva de Mar due to its rounded shape and size, similar to that of a table olive.

It is said that the  Oceanic Posidonia came out of the water to land, many centuries later, return to the sea, where it is in danger, so from the Town Hall of Ibiza have launched the project " ", which in the category of responsible and sustainable tourism.


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