
The most typical dishes and where to taste them when you hire a boat in Ibiza

Fish, seafood, horticultural produce, cheeses, charcuterie, oil, honey... these are essential elements in the rich and varied gastronomy that has been inherited from different civilizations that have populated the island of Ibiza.

On this stage of contrasts that is Ibiza, with stunning bays, tranquil spots and non-stop parties, you will have no difficulty in finding the island’s traditional cuisine in some exceptional locations.

We explain what some typical dishes consist of and where you can sample them on your journey.


We recommend Pan de Payés con Alioli: a loaf of traditional bread to spread this delicious allioli sauce on made with oil and garlic. You can find it in any restaurant along with Olives Trencades: green olives that have been slightly crushed and marinated with fennel.

Considered delicatessen food by the Germans and British, Fonoll Marí (Sea Fennel) is a delicate protected plant that is served in vinegar as an accompaniment to Pan con Alioli.

Stunning starters

Coca de Pebrots i Gató is a pie made with peppers and pintarroja - a strange, small spotted catshark with a gelatine spine.

Cocarrois: a type of large pie of differing shapes made with flour and filled with raisins and dried fruits, sobrassada, fish or meat.

You can find them in bakeries such as Can Vadell and Las Delicias (in Ibiza), Sentrepa (in San Antonio) and Can Bufi (in Santa GertrudisSanta EulaliaSan Antonio and Ibiza)

Payesa or “Crostes” salad: a highly traditional dish with a base of bread and dried fish, accompanied by tomatoes, onions, potatoes, peppers, garlic and egg. Try it at restaurante Ses Escoles.

Main couses if you are still hungry

Sofrit Pagès: a powerful and very delicious winter dish that can be enjoyed all year round at Ca n’Alfredo. It is a sofrit (sautéed tomato-based sauce) with butifarró (pork sausage), sobrassada (raw, cured pork sausage with paprika), garlic, chicken, lamb, pork and other pork charcuterie made during the matances.

Borrida de Rajada: another typical casserole made with marinated skate and lemon and salt, to which potatoes, eggs and fried bread are added, garnished with parsley, garlic, toasted almonds, a little saffron and olive oil. Try it at Sa Nansa in Ibiza.

Bullit de peix: you can try this platter of Ibizan fish covered in a mild allioli and seasoned with saffron at the Es Ventall Restaurant. It is served with rice that has been cooked in the stock of the fish.

Guisat de Peix: in contrast to the Bullit, the Guisat is a dish made only of stewed Ibizan fish in a stock. It is one of the specialties at the Sa Caleta Restaurant in Platja d'es Bol Nou, in the south of the island.

Bon Appetite!

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