
Sailing around Ibiza: the unique experience of hiring a boat with its skipper.

Ibiza, the island paradise that is famed worldwide for its parties, beaches of crystal-clear waters and beautiful landscapes, offers the chance of an unforgettable sailing experience. In this idyllic setting, hiring a yacht with its skipper means you get more than a leisure cruise; it is a true adventure on the sea. Read on to see how this option can transform the way you experience and enjoy Ibiza.

 A profound connection to the sea

Sailing the turquoise waters of Ibiza on a boat with a skipper will give you a closer and more personal experience of the island. The freedom to explore hidden coves, unspoiled beaches and spots that cannot be reached by land is surely its main appeal.  This option enables you to enjoy nature to the full, far from the crowds and creating singular, unforgettable memories.

Safety and local knowledge 

Having a seasoned skipper on board guarantees your safety, but also knowledge of the area. Our skippers, with their experience and knowledge of Ibiza’s waters, can guide you on the most spectacular routes, making sure that you make the most of your trip. Their local knowledge is invaluable; they know when and where to find the best spots for all activities, whether diving, snorkelling or simply enjoying an unforgettable evening.

A personalized experience

One of the main advantages of hiring a yacht with its skipper is the chance to have a fully personalized experience. You can choose where you want to stop and how much you want to see during the day. Do you want to explore the more remote bays or drop the anchor in front of a beachside bar and taste the local cuisine? Your skipper will make sure you get what you want.

Comfortable and exclusive

There can be few options that are more comfortable and exclusive than hiring your yacht. It is like taking your hotel out onto the water. All your conveniences are on board, so you can relax and enjoy your trip without a care in the world. It also offers a unique perspective of Ibiza, letting you appreciate the island’s beauty from the sea, a view that not everyone is lucky enough to see.

Coral Yachting: your gateway to sailing heaven 

Hiring a boat in Ibiza with Coral Yachting means choosing an experience unlike any other. Our fleet of luxury yachts and crews guarantee that your adventure is safe and 100% personal. We promise you not only exceptional service but also the chance to discover the best-kept secrets of Ibiza and Formentera from the sea. 

All in all, hiring a yacht with its skipper in Ibiza is a unique opportunity to see the island differently.  The combination of freedom, safety, personalization and exclusivity make this an outstanding option for all those who want to take their enjoyment of Ibiza to the next level. Get ready to cast off for an unforgettable adventure.

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