
5 tips for winterizing your boat correctly

If you are one of those people who, when bad weather arrives, says goodbye to sailing until the following summer, the best option is to winterize your boat to protect it during those months of inactivity. Here are some tips on how to winterize your boat correctly, but don't forget that Coral Yachting can do this for you and take the best care of your boat during the winter months.

  1. First, protect the ship

Prevention is better than cure. And that should be the mantra for your ship's winterization. If the boat is afloat, make sure it is in a well sheltered area with sufficient fenders to protect it from storms. It is advisable to double the moorings in this case. If it is out of the water, the dry dock should hold it securely. Another option is to support it on trestles and cleats. Don’t forget to gather all the textile material such as hoods or sails.

  1. The engine, the heart of your boat

The engine is the most important element to pay attention to. Putting the right antifreeze, filling the diesel tank to prevent condensation, performing annual maintenance, changing the oil and filters or checking the condition of the propeller are some of the tasks you can perform to ensure that the engine is ready when the good weather arrives.

  1. Electrical equipment

Batteries are easy to store, but will go bad if not maintained over the winter. Ideally, they should be charged every month, unless you have a charger that can be left connected permanently.

  1. Prevent the appearance of mildew in the interior

If the interior of the boat is not kept dry during the winter, mold and mildew can grow rapidly, damaging upholstery and woodwork. A dehumidifier will undoubtedly be the best option.

  1. Check the structure 

It is important to check the hull and other surfaces for scratches and cracks. Any damage should be evaluated to see how deep it penetrates into the structure. If the damage does not go beyond the gelcoat, a cosmetic repair with gel of the same color is sufficient. Otherwise, a professional repair will be required. In the case of sailboats, it is important to make sure that the sails are not damaged.

Checking the safety equipment, examining the rigging, paying attention to the maneuver and the deck... these are some of the things you will have to take into account when winterizing our boat. If you have any doubts about this, please consult our team for no obligation advice.

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